Specialty Universities for International Students in Russia

Invitation for education in Russia
Unlike many other European countries, Russian government has always set marks in term of  cheap but quality tertiary education / higher school education to its citizen and other nationals. There you could get as cheap as 1200-2000 EURO per academic year in the chosen high education specialty. This opportunities of getting studied as an international student  in Russia with quick-and-easy process, added more attraction to university for international students in Russia educational system. If you are finding where to fly to study in this season; Russia may be rightful place to find your choice.

Russia System of Education
The Russian system of education is made up by the following stages: nursery school, or kindergarten (for children under 7), primary school (1st to 4th grades), secondary school (5th to 9th grades), high secondary school (10th and 11th grades), and higher education at a university. A Russian child’s education starts at the kindergarten, so that on entering the 1st grade kids are able to read and write. At the age of 17 (11th grade) students complete their school course and take the school-leaving exams. On successful results a person receives a certificate of high secondary school education, which gives them the right to apply for entering any higher education establishment in a chosen speciality or special technical education establishment (college, industrial school and others). The language of teaching in Russian universities is mainly Russian. Some courses can be taught in English (General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Computer Science) or French (General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy). The tuition for the courses taught in English or French is 25-50% higher than for those taught in Russian.Choosing a course that is taught in English or French, applicants have to pass a language test. Studying under this programme, students learn the Russian language starting from their fi rst year for adequate communication and for making use of the huge collections of literature on their subject in library stocks that contain millions of books.

Choosing to be taught in Russian, students are admitted to Preparatory Faculty, where within 7-10 months they study the Russian language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics and other basic subjects that are needed for further studies in the chosen speciality. You can apply to Preparatory Faculty of a Russian university from May 1st till October 1 st. Classes start from October 1st till December 1st, depending on how quickly groups of 5-10 people are being formed. The preparatory course lasts until the end of June – beginning of July
Upon successful completion from any Russian state university, the graduate gets a higher education degree of Russian national standard indicating the speciality and qualification. The graduate also gets a EUROPEAN APPENDIX to the degree, which allows the student to apply for a prestigious job or continue education in 45 European countries signed up to the Bologna Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education.
The list of Universities
  • Saint-Petersburg State I.P. Pavlov Medical University
  • Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies
  • Saint-Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy
  • Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
  • Saint-Petersburg State University for Civil Aviation
  • Saint Petersburg State University for Film Industry and Television
  • Saint-Petersburg State University for Low Temperatures and Food Technologies
  • Saint-Petersburg State University for Waterways Communications
  • Tambov State University
  • Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
  • Saratov State Agricultural University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University for Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
  • Dagestan State Medical Academy
  • Dagestan State Technical University 
Acceptance of the applications starts from April, 15 and ends on October, 1 of the current year. It takes from 35 to 45 days to process the documents with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Applications for studies in Russian State Universities are annually collected 
, to stand the chance of getting admitted. You'll need your travel documents and other credentials processed on before departure date for the students 

Stand the chance to tour Europe this year with other international students around the world! For Specialty Universities for International Students in Russia, application and visa assistance click here